Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Augusto Pinochet 1915-2006

Ex Military Dictator of Chile is dead today. This man has polarized the county of Chile after ruling it for over 17 years. He was accused and pretty much proven to be responsible for the death of thousands of socialist, communist, and opposition leaders against his regime. He ruled with an iron fist. Surprisingly many people loved him for his ways and what he wanted to accomplish. From the Economic and Political standpoint he was able to modernize his country quicker and better than his Latin American counterparts (He was a great American ally and he believed in Free Market Capitalism). He adopted the economic style of the "Chicago Boys" in the 1970's. Here is an article that compares the routes of two dictators, Pinochet and Castro and how because they lead their countries with different economic systems has lead to different results. Interesting character for sure.

BBC Pinochet Timeline

Pinochet Biography

Pinochet Pictures

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