Thursday, November 16, 2006

Kevin Garnett - What a Guy

Kevin Garnett, a basketball player with the Minnesota Timberwolves won the J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award this year. It is awarded to honors an NBA player or coach for outstanding service and dedication to the community. He donated over $1.2 million dollars towards building 24 homes in the Katrina hit areas of last year. He has a foundation, 4XL that helps open computer labs to youth centers and schools in Minnesota. Many times we generalize professional athletes (especially Basketball Players) as maybe selfish or not in touch with the real world. Garnett has been a classy and honorable player from the beginning doing much of his charitable work under the radar. When it comes to basketball he had many chances to leave the Timberwolves for teams that have a better chance to win a Championship but never did. He stayed loyal with a mildly successful team for over 10 years (he entered the league when he was a teenager and has been nothing but an All Star since then).

I guess I should mention he is my favorite player :) Well if you watch this guy plays you will understand. He plays with incredible intensity, grit, and pumps up his teammates and the crowd with his energy. He is also the ultimate team player. Never takes a lot of shots, has great passing ability for a big guy, and he is an amazing defender against bigger bodies than his. MVP in the 2003-04 Season, Perennial All-Star, and much more.

Kevin Garnett Official Website

Kevin Garnett Awards


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Monday, November 13, 2006

24 hour Living - Modern Life?

24 Hour Services have become a sign of the modern age. You need to photocopy documents, bind them, print your company image on the cover....oh and you need 300 copies of 3 A.M. ???!!! There is a service to provide it. Kinko's now has a 24 hour service store for such "normal" requests. Need a courier to deliver company the middle of the night, get a corporate courier. Wanna go to the gym after midnight, no problem there is a 24 hour fitness center. Pharmacies, Ice Cream Parlors, Carpet cleaners, Steak Houses, Chinese Food, Pharmacies, Computer stores, Gas Stations, and bowling alleys are only a few examples of this new phenomenon (by new I mean within the last 5-10 years). Services that were once provided for during normal working hours (9-9) are now being offered all the time.

Of course it doesn't just include the stores that are open 24 hours for human services, but also factories, support lines, assembly lines, and other manufacturing jobs that churn up products through the night.

Now, we can look at it in a positive way....after all if you need practically anything in the middle of the night you can get it. How can you complain about that??!!! Also modern society has used 24 hour services to provide for important services (Hospitals, Security Guards, Pharmacies, Locksmiths, Gas Stations ) of course these services are needed due to the emergency nature of them. Not to mention that productivity has increased incredibily due to factories and assembly lines use all 24 hours to produce. But there are some drawbacks to this trend, but before we delve into them lets take a look at some of the reasons why this 24 hour phenomenon took off:
1) The most obvious reason is to increase productivity per working day. If you have three shifts of workers working 8 hours a day then you double if not triple your productivity on the assembly line or any other type of labor.
2) To gain a comparative advantage over competition (if one pharmacy can be 24 hours, customers are more likely to join them than a competing pharmacy that doesn't provide it even if they will never really use it....just the idea of it being available is great).
3) To serve the workers that work in other overnight shifts (An employee of the bowling alley wants to get coffee and donuts and he can because there is a donut shop open overnight).
4) To do work that is impossible to do during the day. This would be a good use....customer service face to face takes a lot of time, if you can do most of your maintenance and non interactive work for your business during the night it alleviates the pressure from the morning staff.
5) To maximize on their rent money!! :) Companies pay big bucks to rent their space, might as well use it efficiently (I am not sure how efficient if you have staff working and utilities going during the night).

There are probably many more reasons but that's not the point.
The reason I bring this topic up is because I think its a bad trend. At face value it looks like a great deal and a sign that capitalism has won by providing us with more services at a faster rate. But if you look closer you will see that the effects it has on the people that work these jobs might not be worth the luxury. Now before I go on, let it be known I am talking about 24 hour services that are not deemed important (Anything other than Hospitals, one or two Pharmacies - maybe, Security, Police, Ambulance, Fire Department, and a few Gas Stations).

Family life is influenced for sure. Imagine working the night shift, getting home when your kids are ready to go to school. You don't get to see them. You go home and sorta sleep, but not really, by the time they are home you need to sleep a bit before going to your night shift.

Imagine you and your wife (or husband) take shifts (no pun intended) taking care of your preschool kids. One spouse works the mornings while the other sits home with them, then they switch in the afternoon, and they both sleep at night....great for savings (no babysitting money) and maybe better because both parents get to spend time with the kids but not healthy as a whole family.

Or imagine you do an overnight shift (or even just night shift) for two weeks then you flip to morning shifts for the next two weeks. It takes a couple of days to get your body in rhythm again.

These are subtle but serious issues that cause the family life and values to erode.

If we look at the whole scientific aspect of the Circadian rhythm and how if disturbed it causes more errors (costing lives and lots of money), burnout, depression, aggressive behaviour, and other problems. Why??? Well, maybe because working in the middle of the night is unnatural, plain and simple. Anyways so the point is, is it worth it?? Is it worth the mental and psychological strain for the sake of productivity? Sometimes the answer is yes. I think most of the time the answer should be no.

Here are a couple of articles you might find interesting to read.

Article #1

Article #2

Article #3

Circadian rhythm sleep disorder


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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Borat...The Real Deal??

This dude is apparently the real life Borat. Mahir Cargi, a Turkish Journalist believes that he was the main inspiration to the Borat character played by British comedian Baron Cohen. This guy has been a celebrity for all the wrong reasons. His personal website was listed in PC Magazine's "The 25 Worst Web Sites" along with other great achievements. He actually traveled to England requesting an apology from Cohen for making fun of him through the Borat character (why do I think there is gonna be compensation money involved somehow). Apparently this guy is quite the phenomenon, the way American Idol William Hung was (He actually toured countries). People love these types of guys. Can't knock their hustle. Anyways, he claims that his website was hacked into. But the pictures are too good to be made up. You can't be this funny and creative. Anyways take a look.

Mahir Cargi Official Website

Wikipedia - Mahir Cagri


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Aries Spears - Super Impersonator

Check out Aries Spears as he impersonates four rappers (LL Cool J, Snoop Dog, DMX, and Jay z) in this clip. He is a comedian that is with Mad TV (I don't watch much TV so I am not sure if he is still on or not). The dude can actually rap, I am sure he knows his lines from before but still, it ain't easy to just rap like that. On top of that those four rappers are so different in style, tone, and pitch that its amazing what he does.

Aries Spears Freestyles


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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Power of the Media

Here is a snippet of how language in the media can change our perception of an act. Same look, different words used to describe it = Different Perception.

This is old, from the days of Hurricane Katrina. Click here to see what I am talking about.


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Saturday, November 04, 2006

A Republican Method

Have you heard about the ad that was played on TV (Full story here). Apparently the protege of Karl Rove (the mastermind behind the Republican's and more specifically George W. Bush's) success has produced a dandy of a commercial. Scott Howell produced a commercial in support of Republican Bob Corkor against Democrat Harold Ford Jr. for the senate seat of Tennessee. The ad starts off discussing some of the failures of Harold For Jr. Slowly it introduces this blond white who claims to have met Ford in the Playboy Mansion. A the end of the commercial the woman character whispers "Harold, call me" and winks. Now this might not look like anything special. But with a little bit of history about the South in the U.S. and you will understand why this is a typical set up job.Follow me here okay...The ad is targeted towards the traditional southerns the ones who are uncomfortable with racial mixing among others. See historically the south has had problems with white women having any sort of relationship with black men. The ad is made to bring out that uneasiness and fear into the mostly white voters to energize the Republican base. See its so subtle. There is no mention that Ford Jr. is black or that there is any relationship between the white blond woman who winks at him and Ford but the whole set up brings out that feeling (you know there are many stories about black men being lynched for looking or having a relationship with a white woman back in the day even if the she was the one who initialized and wished for the relationship). In any case, this is just the beginning. Here is where the Republican machine is a genius. They have placed uneasiness without actually stating it. Thus you can't point out that what they did was wrong, but you get the point.

Anyways the true genius of this method is that its not the actual point, its just a set up for the dumbasses who will react to it in a stupid ways ......ENTER THE DEMOCRATS....the Republicans are not that great, they just keep wining because of the stupid reactionary style that has become the Democratic Party. The Democrats will get antagonized by these ads by the Republicans and reply with a public lashing that would leave Americans who might not have agreed with the Republican ad to sympathize with the Republicans.

Its hard to explain, its something that has to be experienced over a period of time to understand. The Republicans are like the quiet, self assured, confident, proper, yet uncompromising student in a classroom. The Democrats are the talkative, politically correct, afraid to offend, whinny, have to explain everything they do and why they do it so that at the end people will say "yeah he is a good kid". Lets say the Democrat student has a lisp. Everyone knows that it bothers him to be reminded of it. If they are to work on a project to be presented together, the Republican student can antagonize the Democrat by giving him to present the portion of the presentation that have words filled with the letters S and TH. Now it might embarrass and enrage the Democrat student. It is a mere setup. The Democrat student will yell and bitch at the Republican for being low (magnifying a deep insecurity or historic problem that is not necessarily his fault but still a bit shameful)....and here is the problem. Infront of the class and the teacher the Democrat will look like the irrational and overly sensitive fool and the Republican student will just sit back and take the criticism as if he has no idea what the Democrat student is talking about....I know its confusing, but I think you get the gist of it.

This is how this Karl Rove machine works, Method #1: they expose insecurities and non-graceful memories, with it they touch on the voters insecurities and possibily their prejuidices to help tilt the votes towards Rove's candidate.

Method #2: Infurirate the opposing canadidate by chipping away at their credibility and character and when the opponent cries foul play then the opponent loses their cool, says something in reflex that he/she shouldn't have said and the public decides the saner candidate might be better (Rove's candidate). The Republican Machine at its best and the Democrats at their worst. Don't believe me, look what they did to Howard Dean - on the right hand side. (Thanks for the two million replays by Foxnews of his freaky celebration that eventually made him look like a loose cannon)

Here is a cool analysis by this guy on, check it out.


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